Paralyzed Veterans of America Central Florida Chapter, a congressionally chartered veterans service organization provides a platform of advocacy, education and research, communication, adaptive sports and recreation for veterans paralyzed as a result of a spinal or injury or dysfunction, in an effort to afford them with the highest quality of healthcare and life experiences.
Our mission is to collect used & new fishing gear for our Veterans. Also to bring awareness to PTSD and fishing as a therapy for our Veterans. We would like to be able to give the tools "Fishing Gear" to our Veterans for their therapy "Fishing" who suffer from PTSD, Mental, and physical issues from time served in the Military. We have a yearly event in Illinois and Florida to disperse the fishing gear to our Veterans.
Create an opportunity for veterans to experience the healing power of water. Vision Create an opportunity for disabled veterans to experience open ocean sailing, offshore cruising and scuba diving through collaboration with community partners including the Miami VA and Miami Vet Center. Once participants have completed the Introduction to Water Sports program and express a desire to advance to blue water sailing, Veterans Ocean Adventures provides an introduction to cruising in the Florida Keys and the Bahamas. Select participants may continue on to join a leg of an ongoing world circumnavigation.
The Wounded Warriors in Action Foundation Inc. (WWIA) serves our Nation’s combat wounded Purple Heart recipients by providing world-class outdoor sporting activities as a means to recognize and honor their sacrifice, encourage independence and connections with communities, and promote healing and wellness through camaraderie and a shared passion for the outdoors.