Our mission is to collect used & new fishing gear for our Veterans. Also to bring awareness to PTSD and fishing as a therapy for our Veterans. We would like to be able to give the tools "Fishing Gear" to our Veterans for their therapy "Fishing" who suffer from PTSD, Mental, and physical issues from time served in the Military. We have a yearly event in Illinois and Florida to disperse the fishing gear to our Veterans.
Oviedo, FL
Uniting our returning veterans with their community through social outreach while educating future generations.
Our Mission is Our Community – the military community as well as Tampa Bay and our efforts focus on integrating these communities together so we can create a new future for returning veterans.
Our Mission is also driven by these hard truths surrounding veterans.
Writing, Filming and Distributing movie productions that advance the effort to increase veteran access to care and share their stories of challenge and success.
Ormond Beach FL
Villagers for Veterans is 100% volunteer 501(c)(3) organization founded for the sole purpose of helping severely wounded veterans. We help veterans directly with much-needed funding or additional resources, or by providing grants to other organizations that provide services for veterans. Either way, we are here to help wounded veterans transition into civilian life with as much support as possible. Villagers for Veterans meets a real need today, as veterans too often face difficulty in securing resources through established sources, such as governmental agencies.
Box 303
The Villages, FL