Counseling & Therapy

4 Freedom Equestrian Team
Service Description

Mission: 4 Freedom Equestrian Team was established to increase public awareness of the needs and sacrifices of the United States Armed Forces. We ride to honor the men and women of the United States military for their outstanding accomplishments, courage, and dedication to our country as well as our nation's veterans, POW's, and MIA's for the sacrifices they have made. We are the land of the free because of the brave

Results: We have helped countless veterans who battle with daily struggles...through our all volunteer equine assisted therapy program. We are one of few organizations who takes our horses to the veterans completely free of charge, to be part of a PTSD program at the Dayton VAMC. We have also brought joy and comfort to veterans and visitors at the Community Living Center on the grounds of the Dayton VA. With the help of our horses, we have saved lives and have been given an amazing opportunity to help the men and women who have fought for this great country!

Phone Number
Physical Address
OH 45304
Coalition To Salute Americas Heroes
Business Category
Service Description

The Coalition to Salute America's Heroes, started in 2004, as a way to help the transition process for the wounded and disabled war on terror Veteran population. The organization helps to augment the support provided by the military and the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Labor.

Phone Number
(703) 291-4605
Physical Address
552 Fort Evans Road Suite 300
VA 20176
Comfort For America’s Uniformed Services
Business Category
Service Description

Cause programs provide opportunities for recreation, relaxation and resiliency for wounded, ill, and injured members of the U.S. Armed Services and those supporting their recovery.

To recover physically and emotionally, wounded warriors need more than medical care alone. They need engaging social interaction, pleasurable activities designed to combat isolation and depression, and tangible expressions of appreciation and support from a grateful nation. Cause steps in to provide that support to wounded servicemen and women, their families and their caregivers

Phone Number
Physical Address
4114 Legato Road Suite B
VA 22033
Dogs 4 Warriors
Business Name
Business Category
Service Description

Dogs 4 Warriors, Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing professionally trained service dogs at no cost to  Combat Veterans of all eras suffering from PTSD, TBI, and other combat-related injuries. Founded and located just outside Bowerston, Ohio. Dogs 4 Warriors Inc is managed by its founder and CEO, Sheila Slezak, a Master Dog Trainer and behaviorist, who has been training Police K9's,  Personal Protection Dogs for Senior Executives, Service Dogs, and Family Pets for over 30 years.


When a member of the military is called to duty, they put their entire lives on hold. They box up their lives and put them on a shelf with a tag that says “to be continued……”. Some of those lives never get the chance to be continued and then there are those who get to come home, but they are not the same people who left. PTSD and TBI often cause the Veterans who return to feel like they are no longer able to face life. They feel out of place, confused, anxious, afraid, and on edge. The things they have been through, most people can’t even imagine and yet these veterans are judged because of that. One of the veterans in our program told me “It’s like being broken and half the pieces are missing so you cant even begin to put things back together.” At Dogs 4 Warriors Inc we know that a service dog won’t fix everything but we also know that they will help mend the wounds. We may not be able to fill in all the cracks but we will help find the pieces.

Phone Number
Physical Address
35020 Gundy Ridge Rd
PO Box 231
Bowerston, OH 44695
Business Tags
Equinox Ranch
Business Name
Service Description

Conservative estimates report that at least 30% of combat veterans suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

At least half of those never seek treatment, and those who do reach out receive "minimally adequate" care, at best.

Our goal at Equinox Ranch is to empower veterans that struggle with the daily hardships of readjusting to civilian life. We provide the necessary community and resources that truly can make a difference in their lives.

Physical Address
P.O. Box 2586, Cullowhee, NC United States 28723
Military Veterans Resource Center
Service Description

Military Veterans Resource Center helps veterans develop self-reliance and independence by providing access to the resources they need to successfully manage life transitions.

Results: Military Veterans Resource Center serves about 900-1,000 new veterans each year, in addition to 1,000-1,500 continuing clients. We place 250-300 veterans into employment each year and deliver over 2 tons of food to hungry veterans each month.

Website Address
Phone Number
Physical Address
1395 E Dublin Granville Rd Suite 350
OH 43229