The Coalition to Salute America's Heroes, started in 2004, as a way to help the transition process for the wounded and disabled war on terror Veteran population. The organization helps to augment the support provided by the military and the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Labor.
Cause programs provide opportunities for recreation, relaxation and resiliency for wounded, ill, and injured members of the U.S. Armed Services and those supporting their recovery.
To recover physically and emotionally, wounded warriors need more than medical care alone. They need engaging social interaction, pleasurable activities designed to combat isolation and depression, and tangible expressions of appreciation and support from a grateful nation. Cause steps in to provide that support to wounded servicemen and women, their families and their caregivers
: Combat veteran founded and operated, Semper K9’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for wounded, critically ill and injured members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families by providing them assistance dogs. Using rescued and donated dogs we provide service dogs for psychiatric alert and mobility challenges free of charge to wounded service members.
Target demographics: U.S. Service Members and their families
Provide education, training & cost assistance to individuals and groups with health issues (diabetes) & certain disabilities about the benefits of and types of assistance that service dogs may provide.
TAPS is a national nonprofit organization offering comfort and care to anyone affected by the death of someone who served in the Armed Forced. We offer peer-based emotional support, crisis response and intervention, grief and trauma, casework assistance, long-term survivor wellness, and community and military education and outreach.