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We do a humantarian non-political outreach to wounded soldiers from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - giving them a break from rehab by hosting them in California for VIP weekends with Dodger games, meals with actors, studio tours and then providing mentoring and support for a lifetime.
Studio City
CA 91602
Providing quality healthcare to our Nations Veterans.
The Coming Home Project is a non-profit organization devoted to providing compassionate expert care, support, education, and stress management tools for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, service members, their families, and their service providers. We are a multidisciplinary, experienced team of psychotherapists, veterans and interfaith leaders committed to helping transform the wounds of war. Our programs address the psychological, emotional, spiritual and relationship challenges experienced during all stages of deployment, especially reintegration. We help rebuild the connectivity of mind, body, heart and spirit that combat trauma can unravel, renew relationships with loved ones, and create new support networks. We build a safe place – a community -- for families, their veterans and service members, and their service providers to come together and share their stories, struggles and accomplishments. We connect families with their communities as we collaborate to create integrative continuums of care. Single veterans and service members as well as those with physical injuries are also most welcome.
San Francisco
CA 94121
SPARTA provides a five day resiliency retreat for Warriors (Active Duty, Veterans and First Responders) to detoxify the affects of war and an initiation into a deeper and more meaningful life. To transform the stress and trauma caused by war and violence into resiliency, empowerment, personal growth and individual greatness.
CA 91354
Vetality Corp directors know all too well the day to day issues, struggles and obstacles veterans’ need to overcome in order to face their life changes upon exiting the military. We are a family of combat Marine brothers that have come together to address issues that not only veterans across the nation go through, but what we have personally experienced ourselves. With our experiences and what we have learned, we intend to educate our fellow military veterans towards the right path to a successful life. Mission Statement Our purpose is to reintegrate US military veterans into society through education, training and career networking thereby increasing veteran employment. Vision Statement “VETality Corp. personifies an unwavering commitment to excellence and is dedicated to the empowerment of American Military Veterans nationwide. As a corporation we strive to mentor, educate and employ our Veterans in an unpredictable, yet resourceful economy by providing them the fundamental tools need for success. We firmly believe in the importance of the reintegration of Veterans and emphasize leadership at the forefront of our values. VETality Corp. is devoted to serving those who have selflessly served us by priding ourselves in revitalizing veterans through the use of our vocational rehabilitation programs”
CA 92025
Veterans First is the only social service agency exclusively dedicated to ending homelessness among veterans, who, according to Department of Housing and Urban Development Statistics, comprise 38% of the Homeless Population. Veterans First has a sheltered workshop that exclusively employs both homeless and disabled veterans. We also provide clothing, food boxes and serve nourishing hot meals daily, year round. The homeless men and women we support suffer from physical, mental, emotional and/or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is sometimes manifested through drug or alcohol addiction. We offer a comprehensive program based on a traditional work ethic that is dedicated to end homelessness for those who have decided to change their lives. Veteran by veteran we are removing the homeless from the streets, eliminating their hunger and providing transitional housing in a home environment. Veterans First also provides the veterans with both employment and job training. Our five-year goal is to reduce to less than ten percent, the number of homeless veterans in Orange County, California.
Santa Ana
CA 92706