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Cover 6 Outdoors strives to instill a sense of honor, hope and pride by reintroducing Veterans to the elusive camaraderie and brotherhood that is hard to find once we have left the military and by embracing the morals and virtues that we value as veteran or current service members. As Veterans and Combat Veterans, our staff here at Cover 6 Outdoors understand that being around your combat blood brothers can prove to be life changing and life saving and as such we also strive to provide a safe, comforting environment for all veterans and their spouses and dependents. The Programs We Offer Are: Cover 6 Outdoors strives to provide a place for Veterans to have the opportunity to enjoy activities such as: (1) Guided Hog Hunts (2) Guided Whitetail Deer Hunts (3) Guided Dove Hunts (4) Guided Quail Hunts (5)Guided Duck Hunts (6) Guided Fishing Trips (7) Hiking (8) Canoeing (9) Kayaking (10) Camping (11) Skeet Shooting (12) Shooting Competitions . All shooting events will be conducted with medically trained personnel on site. * All Veterans and dependents participating in any hunting or fishing will be required to show proper licensing and hunter’s safety course certificates for the state of Texas. Cover 6 Outdoors will provide Veterans and Dependents with all equipment and gear, if needed, for each outdoor event they register to participate in. When applicable, Cover 6 Outdoors will provide food and lodging. *All firearms, whether they be personal or loaned from Cover 6 Outdoors must be kept unloaded and stored in a secure location that is monitored by Cover 6 Outdoors Staff or a facilitator to be named by Cover 6 Outdoors. Please understand that this is for every ones safety. Cover 6 Outdoors provides these activities free of charge to Veterans and their dependents in order to give them a chance to break free from the stress and anxiety caused by PTSD, TBI, marital issues and numerous other life challenges that come with reintegration. By doing so, each Veteran Community member that attends an event has the opportunity to meet, interact, and connect with like minded Veterans. At Cover 6 Outdoors we revere and protect the coveted brotherhood that so many have raised their right hand that is required to be forever inducted. Additionally, we will do everything in our power to guide the Veteran and their families in the proper direction to obtain any resources that they so rightfully have earned and deserve.
Fort Worth
TX 76177
Our Mission is mostly to prevent the 22 Combat Veterans a day that commit suicide. We do this through all expense paid Hunting and Fishing Adventures for Combat Veterans to get them into the outdoors with a group of other Combat Veterans. They are able to talk about their similar situations and know that what they say is never repeated. They are able to learn that they are not alone in the mental fight they all share. Being in the outdoors most often calms their mind of the nightmares and allows them to heal mentally. Many return to their Families a more calm person, thus creating the domino effect. The Domino effect is where the Family can now be more calm and they can all heal together.
TX 79248
Liberty Jump Team Inc seeks to remember and keep the public aware both in the US and Europe of the great sacrifices made by the brave men and women of WWII and all Foreign wars.We also seek to honor the current men and women of the Airborne trained in the US Army today. This is accomplshed by volunteers from the current Armed Forces as well as Foreign and US Military retired and reservists. These volunteers donate their time, resources and energy into a mission to keep these memories alive for the future generations.Our commemorative jumps are accomplished through professional relationships with key organizers of such events in Europe and US as well as various Veteran's organizations.We also encourage our members to seek chances to honor the veterans with other similiar organizations as well performing jumps.Many of our members have a family member who is a veteran and for them this mission holds very close to the heart.
We serve the Austin area community of veterans with combat related disabilities and their families by funding the cost of gym memberships for three months to promote and alternative, healthy method of coping with the symptoms of PTSD and other combat stress disorders
TX 78728
We transform lives by using collaborative songwriting to expand creativity, connections, and strengths.
TX 78746