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Mission: 4 Freedom Equestrian Team was established to increase public awareness of the needs and sacrifices of the United States Armed Forces. We ride to honor the men and women of the United States military for their outstanding accomplishments, courage, and dedication to our country as well as our nation's veterans, POW's, and MIA's for the sacrifices they have made. We are the land of the free because of the brave
Results: We have helped countless veterans who battle with daily struggles...through our all volunteer equine assisted therapy program. We are one of few organizations who takes our horses to the veterans completely free of charge, to be part of a PTSD program at the Dayton VAMC. We have also brought joy and comfort to veterans and visitors at the Community Living Center on the grounds of the Dayton VA. With the help of our horses, we have saved lives and have been given an amazing opportunity to help the men and women who have fought for this great country!
OH 45304
Providing sports, arts, music and recreational rehabilitative programs to brighten the days and boost the spirits those that have served our country.
VA 22030
Conservative estimates report that at least 30% of combat veterans suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
At least half of those never seek treatment, and those who do reach out receive "minimally adequate" care, at best.
Our goal at Equinox Ranch is to empower veterans that struggle with the daily hardships of readjusting to civilian life. We provide the necessary community and resources that truly can make a difference in their lives.
Helping Heroes Move On
We are patriotic citizens committed to serving our wounded, injured and ill Veterans. We support Veterans and their families by building relationships and identifying and supporting immediate needs and interests. We are dedicated to promoting public awareness of the many sacrifices made by our Armed Forces.
The Reel American Heroes Foundation is a 100% volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation that works with military hospitals and military bases to provide much needed recreational therapy for our nation's wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Disabled Veterans and Combat Veterans by getting them out on the water to fish and duck hunt.
Results: Over 250 wounded heroes have participated in our programs and benefitted from the recreational therapy that we provide.
VA 22192
The Warrior Ride® accepts ALL veterans that combat injured and disabled from ALL eras of wartime, cold war era, and peacetime. We want to help our veterans see a healthier and happier outdoor activities.
"The benefits of recreation therapy for Veterans include improving physical well being such as weight management and controlling diabetes and hypertension. The therapy can also improve social functioning and help Veterans develop new leisure skills. It can enhance creative expression and break down barriers for cultural expression." = Veterans Administration 2018