
Veteran Today Productions
Service Description

Writing, Filming and Distributing movie productions that advance the effort to increase veteran access to care and share their stories of challenge and success.

Phone Number
Physical Address
454 S Yonge St Suite 7B
Ormond Beach FL
Business Category
Service Description

Villagers for Veterans is 100% volunteer 501(c)(3) organization founded for the sole purpose of helping severely wounded veterans. We help veterans directly with much-needed funding or additional resources, or by providing grants to other organizations that provide services for veterans. Either way, we are here to help wounded veterans transition into civilian life with as much support as possible. Villagers for Veterans meets a real need today, as veterans too often face difficulty in securing resources through established sources, such as governmental agencies.

Phone Number
Physical Address
2518 Burnsed Boulevard
Box 303
The Villages, FL
West Palm Beach VA Medical Center
Business Category
Service Description

The West Palm Beach VA Medical Center consists of one VHA facility located at 7305 N. Military Trail, West Palm Beach, Florida. The medical center is a general medical, psychiatric and surgical facility. It is a teaching hospital, providing a full range of patient care services, with state-of-the-art technology as well as education and limited research. Comprehensive healthcare is provided through primary care and long-term care in the areas of dentistry, extended care, medicine, neurology, oncology, pharmacy, physical medicine, psychiatry, rehabilitation and surgery. The West Palm Beach VA Medical Center operates a Blind Rehabilitation Center which is the referral center for blind and visually impaired Veterans from throughout the state of Florida. The West Palm Beach VA Medical Center is part of the Sunshine Healthcare Network (VISN 8), which includes facilities in Florida and Puerto Rico.

Phone Number
Physical Address
7305 North Military Trail
West Palm Beach, FL 33410